Our Impact
Big Brothers Big Sisters is accountable for youth building social skills, increasing academic achievement, and creating healthy lifestyles. Individual youth have goals, developed with the mentor and parent/guardian, that are based on Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets.
Youth goals are addressed during monthly coaching and outcomes are measured annually using the Youth Outcomes Survey.
Mentoring with Big Brothers Big Sisters creates a lasting, positive impact on both Bigs and Littles. In 2022, after one year of being matched with their Bigs, Littles report that:
- 85% improved or stayed on track academically
- 96% feel they can succeed in school & plan to graduate on time
- 75% report having strong or improving family connections
- 89% feel more accepted by their peers
- 92% feel they have an adult they can turn to in a time of need
- 92% understand the negative consequences of violence
- 96% understand the negative consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
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