LGBTQ+ Resources
Big Brothers Big Sisters LGBTQ+ Resources
We are committed to making sure our programs are inclusive of LGBTQ youth and volunteers. Our goal is for all LGBTQ youth to have access to a safe and supportive mentoring relationship with a caring adult.
We coach our Bigs to EMBRACE in positive conversations with Littles no matter where they are on their identity journey. For some, this means teaching Littles to be strong allies. For some, this means ensuring a Little knows they’ll be loved and supported on their identity journey. These conversations are for everyone.
We coach our Bigs to EMBRACE in positive conversations with Littles no matter where they are on their identity journey. For some, this means teaching Littles to be strong allies. For some, this means ensuring a Little knows they’ll be loved and supported on their identity journey. These conversations are for everyone.
So remember to EMBRACE these conversations!
E: Empathy and vulnerability is key
M. Match their energy with the “just right” approach
B. Be present in the moment
R. Remember to listen actively and avoid premature problem solving
A. Ask questions to get information and permission to help
C. Communicate support through your face, tone, and body language
E. Execute “The Pause” if you don’t know what to say